Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Pittidae
Genus: Pitta
Species: P. moluccensis

This is a small plump breast, strong bill, longish legs, and short tail. Upperparts greenish, with bright violet-blue wing coverts and blackish outer wings, with big white wing-patches in flight; rump violet-blue; tail black with narrow blue band at tip; head black, with paler buff-chestnut band above eye; throat white; underparts buff, shading to crimson on belly and flanks; legs pinkish, feet and toes yellowish; bill black; eyes dark brown.

This birds breeds at different times. Builds a large, untidy spherical nest on the ground of twigs, roots, grasses, leaves and mosses, with side entrance, often between tree roots near water. The female lays 4-6 white or cream eggs, heavily marked with purple; and is incubated by both parents, for 15-17 days.

Blue winged pittas migrate at night, when they may form loose flocks. The blue-winged pitta forages by flicking fallen leaves aside with its bill to expose prey ranging from ants or snails to large crickets,. It also looks in the soil for earthworms.

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