Steenbok are petite antelope, with long legs and an upright stance. The coat is a light golden-brown color, although there is some variation among individuals with some being quite reddish and others more gray. The undersides are white. Steenbok have few distinctive markings: the large eyes are ringed by a fine circle of white hairs, and there is a slender black triangle which starts at the nose and tapers upwards. The ears are extremely large. The horns, found only in males, are straight, sharp, and very upright. They will grow 7-19 cm long.
Baby steenbok may be born throughout the year, and can stand and walk just a few minutes after birth. However, the infant is usually hidden away by its mother for a few weeks before beginning to follow her around.
Steenbok tend to be most active during the day, although when temperatures peak at midday they may seek refuge in shade. This species appears to live in monogamous pairs which share a territory some 4-100 hectares in size – however, the two animals are usually found apart and only come together to breed. The territory is marked by both sexes by using dung heaps. When threatened, steenbok will hide by lying on the ground and freezing in order to avoid the danger. If the threat continues to approach, they will rocket away for a short distance and then try to hide again. Aardvark burrows may be used as refuges.
Kruger National Park, South Africa (August 2011)